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Crits Round 21 Race Report

Author Brad Peppinck The penultimate round of CCC crits got started with very welcome clear skies, although a strong headwind down the home straight made for challenging racing. The Junior HC saw Quinn Peppinck pushing hard solo to maintain his ...

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Local elite riders and ex-professionals have put their hands up again to host another Girls Who Ride bunch on 3rd April 2022.  All junior girls riding with Canberra Cycling Club, Vikings Cycling Club and Canberra Off Road Cyclists are invited ...

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Crits Round 19 Race Report

Author Brad Peppink The weather gods smiled on the CCC crits yet again as the last of the heavy rain cleared with just moments to spare before the Junior HC rolled away, leaving a smaller than usual field to contend ...

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Crits Round 17 Race Report

Author Brad Peppinck Season Points: https://my.raceresult.com/187536/ Week By Week Results: https://my.raceresult.com/groups/4741/ Round 17 of crits was blessed with perfect weather; warm, sunny, and barely a breath of wind.Indeed, even the kangaroos decided to largely stay away and let the road ...

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2022 Alivio Tourist Park Road Series

The Canberra and Vikings Cycling Clubs are proud to announce that this year’s road season will be sponsored by Alivio Tourist Park. 

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Crits Round 16 Race Report

Image Courtesy Flynn Hopkins @the.athlete.collection Author Brad Peppinck You would have been forgiven for thinking that it was a round of winter crits as the mercury dropped for Round 16 catching many riders unaware and possibly keeping a few of ...

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Crits Round 13 Race Report

Image courtesy Lindsay Cameron Author Brad Peppinck Results: https://my.raceresult.com/groups/4741/ Warm and windy conditions greeted the riders for Round 13 of Crits although with many riders still away on holidays or down in Ballarat for the Road Nationals, numbers were still down ...

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Crits Round 12 Race Report

Image courtesy Lindsay Cameron Author Brad Peppinck Results: https://my.raceresult.com/groups/4741/ There was a post-holiday feel to the first Crit of 2022 with smaller bunches across all fields, but that did little to impact the aggressive racing in windy conditions. Proceedings kicked ...

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Carts Christmas Crits Race Report

Image courtesy Flynn Hopkins (the.athlete.collection) Author Brad Peppinck Results: https://my.raceresult.com/groups/4741/ The Carts Christmas Crits got off to a bang early on, quite literally with thunder, rain, and heavy wind gusts reducing Stromlo to a less than hospitable place to spend ...

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Crits Round 10 Race Report

Images Courtesy David Blucher Author Brad Peppinck It was a familiar script for round 10 of Crits with the forecast storms failing to materialise, more than 100 riders turning up to try their luck in the blustery conditions. With the ...

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