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Canberra Cycling Club Annual General Meeting – 20th March 7pm

We have an exciting year ahead of us- come and have your say on your club’s future! 20 March at the Italo-Australian Club in Forrest Commencing at 7 pm and finishing no later than 10 pm. All CCC member’s welcome. Italo ...

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Combined Clubs Point-Score Series for 2014

An exciting new inter-club points competition will be introduced this year over the 2014 road racing season. The series will run over 21 events, comprised of road races, handicaps and time trials. There will be points will be for an individual ...

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Level 1 Road and Track Course

Level 1 Road and Track Course 15-16 March 2014 Location: TBC Cost: $275 Accreditation allows you to independently plan, prescribe and evaluate training plans for both road and track cyclists. To secure your place, or obtain further information please contact ...

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Warning – Road Rage Incidents against Cyclists

Cyclists have been advised to take care riding on the Cotter Uriarra Loop. A silver ford falcon, ACT plate, has been reported as being involved in multiple incidents of road rage/intimidation of cyclists. In one incident, the vehicle allegedly swerved ...

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Upcoming Argonaut Coaching Sessions – Handicap Racing and Sprinting

February will see two masterclass sessions, both held on Sunday 23rd.  The first will cover Handicap Racing, while the second will focus on Sprinting. http://www.argonautcyclecoaching.com/?p=handicap-racing-masterclass http://www.argonautcyclecoaching.com/?p=sprinting-masterclass *Session information* These masterclass sessions will be slightly shorter than usual, each running at ...

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National Para-cycling Series (NPS)

Please be advised that entries into the National Para-cycling Series (NPS) are now open. Please click here to find out more information and to enter. Race distances and further details will be made available on the Cycling Australia website as it comes ...

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Ultimate Snowy Challenge – 22nd – 23rd March

The Ultimate Snowy Challenge is on again for 2014. This unique event course goes to and through many of the iconic Snowy Mountain locations such as Dead Horse gap, Thredbo, Charlotte Pass, Perisher Valley, Smiggins Holes and Jindabyne to name a few. ...

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Deakin University Research on Athlete Monitoring

Optimise Your Training with Athlete Monitoring WHY USE AN ATHLETE MONITORING PROGRAM? Athletic preparation requires the careful balancing of stress (training) and recovery. Insufficient stress leads to under-performance, whereas insufficient recovery leads to overtraining, injury and illness. Therefore it is ...

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Series Coordinator – Summer Criterium Series

The Canberra Cycling Club is seeking expressions of interest for a volunteer (or volunteers) to run the Summer Criterium Series, starting with the 2014 / 2015 series in October 2014. The existing Series Coordinator will be stepping down at the completion of ...

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