Home / Newspage 14


Saturday Club Runs

Club runs are a feature of club riding that provides the opportunity to build bunch riding skills in new members, meet new friends and explore new places. After the success of our last Club Run to Murrumbateman, we are looking ...

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Update Your Details!

Please check that your details in EntryBoss (event entry system) and TidyHQ (CCC Membership Database) are correct and up to date. Doing so will mean that you save our volunteers heaps of time, that your details can be easily verified ...

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Actsmart Bike Maintenance Workshop

Hosted by by ACT Government Sustainability & Climate Change, Environment and Planning Dept. Do you want to learn basic bike maintenance skills? If so, come along to this free practical ‘introduction to bike maintenance workshop. Date and time Wed., 23 ...

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Free Exercise and Asthma Workshop

Courtesy of Sport and Recreation’s partnership with Sports Medicine Australia, a FREE Exercise and Asthma education workshop is available for the entire ACT sporting community to attend. Full details on the SMA website.

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Updated VCC CCC Road Calendar

Our joint VCC CCC road calendar is now live on our website and EntryBoss. Full Calendar list here: https://www.canberracyclingclub.org.au/2021-road-calendar/CCC Events iCal link: https://www.canberracyclingclub.org.au/events.ics CCC EntryBoss page: https://boss/as/canberra You can read some of the reasons why we made the change to ...

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BentSpoke Brewing Gravel GT – Results

The first of the three BentSpoke Brewing Co Gravel Tours were run in the hills behind Pierces Ck on Sunday. How could you not be inspired to ride with views like this? The atmosphere was chilled and the riding was ...

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Season Number Update

After a few hiccups, the season number auction wrapped up on Friday last week. Thanks to all of our members who bidded on a number and provided some extra support to the club. Members who bid on a number can ...

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Traffic Marshall Training – Confirmed

For real this time: Is this you? Blended Learning International (RTO 110068) has received funding from the ACT Government for members of the cycling community to receive Traffic Controller Training at no cost. The program is comprised of a theory ...

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Number Auction – Ends Thursday

The CCC Season Number auction ends at 8pm this Thursday evening. Make sure that you have read all of the information before you bid on a number. We trialled them at the Iron Mike on the weekend and they looked ...

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Revised Calendar

Based on rider, stakeholder, volunteer, and general feedback we’ve had to adjust and pare back our ambitious 2021 Road Calendar. With the revised calendar we’ve tried to balance the needs of juniors, women, masters, volunteers, general club members, costs, and ...

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