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Author Archives: RainerW

Crits Round 13 Race Report

Image courtesy Lindsay Cameron Author Brad Peppinck Results: https://my.raceresult.com/groups/4741/ Warm and windy conditions greeted the riders for Round 13 of Crits although with many riders still away on holidays or down in Ballarat for the Road Nationals, numbers were still down ...

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Crits Round 12 Race Report

Image courtesy Lindsay Cameron Author Brad Peppinck Results: https://my.raceresult.com/groups/4741/ There was a post-holiday feel to the first Crit of 2022 with smaller bunches across all fields, but that did little to impact the aggressive racing in windy conditions. Proceedings kicked ...

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Carts Christmas Crits Race Report

Image courtesy Flynn Hopkins (the.athlete.collection) Author Brad Peppinck Results: https://my.raceresult.com/groups/4741/ The Carts Christmas Crits got off to a bang early on, quite literally with thunder, rain, and heavy wind gusts reducing Stromlo to a less than hospitable place to spend ...

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Crits Round 10 Race Report

Images Courtesy David Blucher Author Brad Peppinck It was a familiar script for round 10 of Crits with the forecast storms failing to materialise, more than 100 riders turning up to try their luck in the blustery conditions. With the ...

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Crits Round 9 Race Report

Images courtesy Flynn Hopkins (the.athlete.collection) Author Brad Peppinck The weather gods again smiled on the CCC crits as the promised thunderstorm failed to materialise. In the traditional curtain raiser, the Junior HC, attacking riding across the age groups brought seven ...

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2021 Carts Christmas Crits

The CCC Cart’s Christmas Crits (15 Dec 2021) is not only a fantastic night for racing but also a great opportunity for friends, family and clubmates to get together. So bring a picnic blanket and a few drinks and celebrate ...

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Crits Round 8 Race Report

Images Courtesy David Blucher Author Brad Peppinck Not even the forecast of heavy rain could dampen numbers for round four of Crits with more than 120 riders prepared to take on the elements. In the traditional curtain raiser, the Junior ...

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Honeysuckle Hammer

Sprint for cash, climb for glory! This Sunday 28 November. Details and Registration only on EntryBoss.

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Women’s Series Round 2

It’s week 8 of normal racing, plus round 2 of the Women’s Criterium Series. Light House architecture and science shines a light on women’s cycling in the ACT and we are proud to announce their support for the series. We ...

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Crits Round 7 Race Report

Image Courtesy Lindsay Cameron Author Brad Peppinck The biggest contingent yet with 172 riders turned up for the third week back of Crits, the warm yet deceptively windy conditions ensuring the spectators were treated to some outstanding racing. In the ...

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